Method Acting is Extreme

Hey World,

Today I was just thinking about the concept of Method Acting. My drama teacher told our class that we would each have to take on a challenging method character. Inevitably, we must become this character and the more vulnerable we feel the better. The process of selecting a suitable character was really hard for me, because I didn't want to do one that was too easy like becoming a nerd, or a ganster, homosexual, etc. After days of contemplating, I finally made my decision, and I came up with the idea of becoming... (DRUMROLL) a mentally disabled person.

Now I know this sounds very controversial, but in the spirit of method acting, this can only be fun. I already know that the community will be my audience. It is doing the little things that will make this experience really powerful. While at a cashier, the simplest twitch can really change the way someone sees you or treats you. While on the bus, having a conversation with an invisible friend might be frightening/funny for a bystander to watch. I am actually ready for the stares, the judging, the ridiculing, the sympathizing, and the laughs I might receive.

If Christian Bale, and other well known actors are willing to go through the extremes in playing a role, why can't I do something so pety? I realize that acting is what I want to do, and it is evident that men must look at their role-models to strive for their own personal perfection. We must be ready to push towards our dreams, for fear is a movable obstacle, and that's my L.A.W

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