
Hey world,

I just wanted to say that I envision big changes coming soon, in terms of my physical appearence. Can you imagine the perfect you? I mean, the you that you wish you could be. Ripped, fair-skinned, charismatic, charmer, etc. Well I always "picture" the ideal perfect Leighton Alexander Williams, but I'm tired of envisioning this man, I want to become him.

I decided to go through a process of metamorphosis. I hope to become this emaculate superstar by may. I know it's not going to be easy, but nothing truly desired in life, should be easily attainable. My look will be changing, as i plan to up my game. I believe that I already have swag, but since I recently became employed, I am able to step up my game that much more.

Buh-bye Sean Kingston, hello Will Smith (Inside joke), and that's my law

Lady Gaga

Hey world,

I just discovered that yesterday was my favorite singer Lady Gaga's 24th birthday. So I just thought it would be best to have a blog dedicated to her.

I am Lady Gaga's biggest fan, and I'll follow her until she loves me, I will be her paparazzi! Seriously, I love this woman because she is new, different, idiosyncratic, fierce, and most importantly she knows who she is as a singer and an individual. Lady Gaga has her flaws, and she knows it, but she doesn't let that stop her or hold her down. She presses forward and lives the life of the grammy-winning singer that she is.
The first time I ever heard of this woman, was during an elimination episode of SYTYCD. She was performing her first song Just Dance, and her performance was captivating to say the least. I love her techno/robotic sound, and it's that fresh new "oomph" that the music industry needs.

Lady Gaga continued to amaze me, as she changed her style and found herself as a bold individual. I fell in love with her. Not only are all of her songs great, she performs with everything she's got. This woman is a true artist. SHE LOVES HER CRAFT. You can see the passion she brings in every performance, and what's the icing on the cake is that she is memorable. Everyone who has seen the MTV award show remembers Gaga's performance of PokerFace, especially the ending where her robotic "nipples" explode.

WHO DOES THAT?! She is bold!

Also, everyone has got to remember her performance of Paparazzi where she starts bleeding from her stomach on stage, and ends her number, hanging lifeless. Lady Gaga is a visionary, and a master at what she does. She is the new queen of pop and she will remain there for a very long time. LONG LIVE LADY GAGA!!!! and that's my L.A.W

Gotta Be!

Hey World,

I was just listening to one of my favorite songs, and I decided to post a short law about it.
Listen, click the link below.

You got to be strong, don't let anyone walk all over you. God didn't bring you into tis world so you can be taken advantage of. Yo deserve the best of the best, not BS. Treat yourself and smile, don't care about your haters or your opressors. Because at the end of the day, you make your own meaning and control your own happiness. God Bless You, and I hope this message made you smile... you deserve to, and that's my L.A.W



Hey world, read the caption in the black and white clip art, before you continue on with this blog entry >>>>>>>

OKAY...Let's begin

Just thought I'd speak briefly about haters today. Cause I was talking to a friend about someone who newly motivated me, and they criticized the celebrity, and myself for finding favor in him. I was speaking to this person about Zac Efron, the high school musical heart-throb. Here's a guy that came out so random, and at first I thought he was pretty lame. I mean, he just seemed cheesy to me, but I realized that he was just acting his role. I saw him again, in one of my favorite musicals, Hairspray, and this time he was more tolerable, but I still wasn't a fan. The main reason why I wasn't feeling this guy, was because of his large fanbase of simple-minded teenage girls, and his "one-trick pony" act (Doing musicals). I came to the realization that I was just a hater. I mean, here is a guy that's working with his strengths, good looking, talented (can sing, dance, and act) and I deem him as a "ONE-trick pony"?

Can I sing? No. Can I dance? not really. Can I act? I can act, but have I been in a movie, no.

Anyways, it was noticing all of Zac Efron's strengths, that made me say to myself, "I want to be like that". I want to be the next heart-throb of my generation. The guy is 22, and he is already so successful. I explained my newly gained respect for Efron to my friend, and they still had negative comments to say. In conclusion, here is a thought that I came up with, to share with the world:

It's unfortunate that one's insecurities can cause them to dislike, belittle, or even hate you. But don't give in, you know who you are, what you stand for, your flaws and benefits, etc. If you don't have any haters, then I guess you aren't that extraordinary. I mean come on, even Jesus received hate mail. Get use to the haters, that just means you're doing something right ;)
and that's my L.A.W

Movie Recommendation: Precious

Hey world,

I know I haven't posted in a while, but Spring Break has been going on marvelously. Never a dull moment thus far. Anywho, I managaged to sit down and watch an Academy award-winning/nominated movie this week and thought I might share my experience with you.

Precious, was simply intense to say the least. It was a story that followed the life of an obese african american adolescent, who undergoes abuse from her parents. Precious lives in the ghettos of harlem under welfare, and if things couldn't get any worse, she is raped and impregnated by her father...twice. This movie was very powerful, as it showed the true meaning of strife and hardships. Precious faced many challenges, and it seemed as if giving up was the only option, but with help she managed to press along and make it through.

This movie caused me to do a bit of thinking, because sometimes I feel that my problems are extremely big and I fall into a "Woe is me" state. When in reality, my little issues are nothing compared to others. I also relate to Precious and empathize for her, because although I come no where close of living a similar life to her's, I know what it's like to be obese. For 2 years, I was overweight, and it was a serious problem that I faced. It really stressed me out, and I was always in a state of depression, because of how self-conscious I was. However, precious has to deal with being obese plus so much more! I mean she gets HIV from her father! Who does that?

This movie was truly tragic and it is a movie that causes one to stop and think about life. Think about what's going on and see if the tunnel you're in has an exit.

The acting was also superb in this movie, Mariah Carey and the other minor characters were just alright, but I believe that Gabourey and Monique really showed how intense black actresses can be. 8/10, and that's my L.A.W

The Academy Awards

Hey world,

This years Academy Awards was interesting to say the least. Let's start with the red carpet and fashion. I love girls who have wild sides. I honestly do. Exoctic, sexy, intelligent, and brave. All of these characteristics sum up Jennifer Lopez. Did you see her bubble wrap dress, LMAO! Sorry, I just had to ridicule her, I couldn't resist. Still love her though. But best dress, and the best looking girl was most definitely Zoe Saldana (Lead Female in Avatar), talk about stunning.

Moving on to the actual award show. The most memorable moments for me were:

The dance piece - Although I wasn't wowed the first time watching it, I had another look on youtube, and BOY was it exquisite. I love the soundtracks, and overall it was a great performance. This was so you think you can dance material.

Monique Winning Best Supporting Actress - Finally! My girl Monique won an award. Although I have not seen the movie precious, from the parts that I did see, Monique was a real raw character. I felt that as the only black woman running in the nominations for this category, winning this award was extra spectacular, because she was credited by merit and colour was not a boundary for Monique.

Ben Stiller being ridiculous - Talk about over done. Did you see he cheap Avatar tail?

George Clooney looking grumpy on camera- HAHHAHA, George Clooney was such a grumpy guy that night, and very awkward at that. In the beginning when the hosts were introducing the nominees and roasting each of them; Clooney, was giving the hosts the evil eye when it was his turn to get roasted. Too bad it's not on youtube, that would have been a hit!

Gabourey Sidibe posing up on stage - I love this girl! She is living big (no pun intended). Gabby is soaking up all of this fame and being a happy young woman. God bless her heart. She is definitely precious. I AM OUTRAGED, that she did not win the award. I mean come on, will she ever be the lead in a movie again? Let's get real here. She needed this award more than any of the other nominees. I'll continue my thoughts on this award in the last memorable highlight. (See Below)

Sandra Bullock suprising everyone - Why did she win? The blindside? What? Why? How? If anyone should have one that award asides from Gabourey, it should have been the Queen of the Oscars, Meryl Streep. I mean, I am glad for Sandra Bullock, I am, but she didn't deserve this award. Maybe next year she could have took home an oscar, but this year, it should have went to someone else. With this said... the nominees in this category were all fierce, so it could have been anyones game...except that bald girl. LOL. Just kidding.

All in all, a mediocre show. I didn't enjoy it much this year, and I can only hope for the best. My heart goes out to Gabourey. But nothing desired is going to come easy, we have to work hard to accomplish our dreams, so maybe next time Gabby, and that's my L.A.W

The Storm Has Passed (Post-Branding)

Hey world,

So branding was officially over last week, as both groups presented/pitched their ideas. It was Epiphany Production Company against Eminence Production Company, and it's a no brainer who the winner was... EMINENCE! I mean, the other group did a good job, what really stood out for me was the lamps and bedsheets. I mean it changed the entire look of the drama room. However, there were several parts in which they lacked eminence.

I believe that our group took going second as an advantage, and we did everything that Epiphany Production did, and then some! They were sore losers, but I'm pretty sure they are going to come around and embrance the true essence of Eminence Productions Company.


Hey world,

Today I was thinking about the concept of friendship. It is such a fickle idea if you really look at it. One minute you can be on great terms with a friend, and then the next minute the two of you are at war. Let's take today into consideration. Today was the Branding Competition kick off for the Acting Academy. BOY WAS THE COMPETITION FIERCE! As I stated in previous blogs before, I was separated from the majority of my closer friends, and being on opposing teams really affected our friendship. I started seeing them in a different light, a negative one.

What's even more interesting is that we got into so many arguements, we didn't talk to each other for a while, but when all was said and done we shared laughter and smiles this evening and went home on a happy note. I don't know how long that will last, cause we are a clique of dramatic kids, but I'm happy for the moment now. You see that's what friendship is! You fight with someone, and you can be infuriated with that person, ONLY because you expect better from them. That's love. Whenever I got angry at my friends, I always thought to myself: "just wait till the competition is over, and then everything will be back to normal". War really changes a person, and that's what the competition felt like today. However, it's done now, and I can focus on the qualities I like about all of them .

Kayypea is very upfront, and I never have to guess how she is feeling. Our personalities cling, and no matter how brutal an arguement gets, we find a way to resolve it and move on.

Demi Oliver is just chilling, and although at times we get infuriated with each other, we're dudes and after blowing off some steam we can be the best of brejens again. Besides, his rants are hilarious.

Little Ms. Bubbzi is just a firecracker, and she is genuinely a nice person, and I think that was what got me angry. She let's people walk over her, but I never get mad at her, I get mad at her circumstances. Love her to death though.

My wife Camillion is understandable and I would say she is the peacemake to our group. That's why she's my wife I guess *thumbs up* :)

and lastly, Christian Girl is always staying out of trouble, which I love.

With all this said, when in a friendship or a relationship and you are on the verge of giving up; Always, weigh the pros and the cons before you make your decision. At the end of the day, if you are happy remaining with that person, and if having them in your life is beneficial for you, then please make the right choice and work on your relationship. Nothing great should come easy, and that's my law.