
Hey world, read the caption in the black and white clip art, before you continue on with this blog entry >>>>>>>

OKAY...Let's begin

Just thought I'd speak briefly about haters today. Cause I was talking to a friend about someone who newly motivated me, and they criticized the celebrity, and myself for finding favor in him. I was speaking to this person about Zac Efron, the high school musical heart-throb. Here's a guy that came out so random, and at first I thought he was pretty lame. I mean, he just seemed cheesy to me, but I realized that he was just acting his role. I saw him again, in one of my favorite musicals, Hairspray, and this time he was more tolerable, but I still wasn't a fan. The main reason why I wasn't feeling this guy, was because of his large fanbase of simple-minded teenage girls, and his "one-trick pony" act (Doing musicals). I came to the realization that I was just a hater. I mean, here is a guy that's working with his strengths, good looking, talented (can sing, dance, and act) and I deem him as a "ONE-trick pony"?

Can I sing? No. Can I dance? not really. Can I act? I can act, but have I been in a movie, no.

Anyways, it was noticing all of Zac Efron's strengths, that made me say to myself, "I want to be like that". I want to be the next heart-throb of my generation. The guy is 22, and he is already so successful. I explained my newly gained respect for Efron to my friend, and they still had negative comments to say. In conclusion, here is a thought that I came up with, to share with the world:

It's unfortunate that one's insecurities can cause them to dislike, belittle, or even hate you. But don't give in, you know who you are, what you stand for, your flaws and benefits, etc. If you don't have any haters, then I guess you aren't that extraordinary. I mean come on, even Jesus received hate mail. Get use to the haters, that just means you're doing something right ;)
and that's my L.A.W

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