Hey world,
This years Academy Awards was interesting to say the least. Let's start with the red carpet and fashion. I love girls who have wild sides. I honestly do. Exoctic, sexy, intelligent, and brave. All of these characteristics sum up Jennifer Lopez. Did you see her bubble wrap dress, LMAO! Sorry, I just had to ridicule her, I couldn't resist. Still love her though. But best dress, and the best looking girl was most definitely Zoe Saldana (Lead Female in Avatar), talk about stunning.
Moving on to the actual award show. The most memorable moments for me were:
The dance piece - Although I wasn't wowed the first time watching it, I had another look on youtube, and BOY was it exquisite. I love the soundtracks, and overall it was a great performance. This was so you think you can dance material.
Monique Winning Best Supporting Actress - Finally! My girl Monique won an award. Although I have not seen the movie precious, from the parts that I did see, Monique was a real raw character. I felt that as the only black woman running in the nominations for this category, winning this award was extra spectacular, because she was credited by merit and colour was not a boundary for Monique.
Ben Stiller being ridiculous - Talk about over done. Did you see he cheap Avatar tail?
George Clooney looking grumpy on camera- HAHHAHA, George Clooney was such a grumpy guy that night, and very awkward at that. In the beginning when the hosts were introducing the nominees and roasting each of them; Clooney, was giving the hosts the evil eye when it was his turn to get roasted. Too bad it's not on youtube, that would have been a hit!
Gabourey Sidibe posing up on stage - I love this girl! She is living big (no pun intended). Gabby is soaking up all of this fame and being a happy young woman. God bless her heart. She is definitely precious. I AM OUTRAGED, that she did not win the award. I mean come on, will she ever be the lead in a movie again? Let's get real here. She needed this award more than any of the other nominees. I'll continue my thoughts on this award in the last memorable highlight. (See Below)
Sandra Bullock suprising everyone - Why did she win? The blindside? What? Why? How? If anyone should have one that award asides from Gabourey, it should have been the Queen of the Oscars, Meryl Streep. I mean, I am glad for Sandra Bullock, I am, but she didn't deserve this award. Maybe next year she could have took home an oscar, but this year, it should have went to someone else. With this said... the nominees in this category were all fierce, so it could have been anyones game...except that bald girl. LOL. Just kidding.
All in all, a mediocre show. I didn't enjoy it much this year, and I can only hope for the best. My heart goes out to Gabourey. But nothing desired is going to come easy, we have to work hard to accomplish our dreams, so maybe next time Gabby, and that's my L.A.W