Hey World,I've grown so much over the years, and it was thanks to my blessed experiences and the individuals who have impacted me positively. I was asked "If today was your last day, how would you spend it?", this simply stated but thought-provoking question caused me to conceptualize life. Have I done what I was sent on this earth to do? Did I live life to the fullest? Did I ever reach true happiness?
If today was my last day I would definitely be depressed; however, I would try my endeavor best to make the most of it.
I would make sure I get to tell my little brother to live life to the fullest, and make him know that he can beat his sickle cell enemia illness. I would thank my mom for how she raised me and make her know that she has truly impacted my life. I would give my crying grandmother one last hug in an attempt to comfort her, even though I would be the one who would need comfort. I would request that my Dad work twice as hard to take care of the family.
I would make it a point of duty to see my friend Nneka-Shay one last time and have a laugh with her, reflecting on everything we did together and even the (Jordan Francis)- "girls trippin over me" joke. I would talk on the phone in a 3 way conversation with my boys Jerome and Lovell, just making jokes and honoring life. I would have one last meal with my closest of friends: Pete, Camille, Mandy, Stephanie, Lovell, Jerome, Nneka-Shay, Candice, Hussein, Martiquoi.
I would make sure I thank Mrs. Thomas for her strong faith in me, and her love and care. I would wish her the best and hope that she continues to inspire both young and old. I would definitely tell Camille that I think she is beautiful and I admire her quirks. I would tell Stephanie that I understand her and that I wish her the best in life. I would have to receive on of Shamaia's great hugs, and have her pray for me. I would visit Mrs. Thomas' grade 10's and improvise with them one last time; trying my last efforts to convince them to continue taking drama.
I would go back to NACI, and hug Tanika for a long time till it gets awkward. I would hang out in the music room with Bhanu and Ruby, and hear Mandeep sing "Drops of Jupiter". I would run jokes with Ijabo, and in some strange way she would cheer me up. I would Dance with Lynne in the hallways and say "MOVE ALONG" to whoever opposed. I would make sure Donovan takes pictures, and make him know that he is going to be successful in poetry or photography. I would thank Mr. Oland and Mrs. Weber for their confidence in me, and igniting the flames for my vision.
While writing this, I became slightly depressed. However, I'm thankful that today is not my last day, and I don't want to wait for it to be my last day, to do all of these things.
I live for today, and I just want you all to know you're important to me. I cherish all of my friend in their own specific way. Live Free, Love Truly, and that's my L.A.W